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! Sal !
21yo :: 12.02.02 ! INTX :: White

NBLM, ficto, #1 smug man fan

Taken IRL ✩ Self Shipper
I draw on occasion, but I do not take comms

I practice reblog karma! And I reblog goofy stuff :]

Feel free to DM!! I may be shy, but I'd love to chat ^^!!

Please let me know if I ever reblog from a weirdo, it's easy for me to miss stuff like that πŸ’”

Before You Follow...
I'm not afraid to block people who make me uncomfortable; I block where I see fit, especially proshippers, ED (and SH) glorifiers, fatphobes, pro-life/anti-abortion, RPF shippers, Transphobes, 'radqueer' and 'pro-para', "f*mboys" and other transphobic term users, Racists, xenophobes, zionists, etc. I simply do not want any of that shit near my blog.
Please tag blood for me, both in real images and art; Just adding #blood or #tw: blood will work just fine, I have both tags blocked- And if we're mutuals please don't hesitate to ask me for specific tags in return!
Please DNI if you ship with any of my mains and crushes; My main FOs mean a lot to me, and I get incredibly uncomfortable having others interact with me when they ship with the same characters. I'm also a tad sensitive when it comes to crushes due to past bullying, so I prefer not sharing until I can better sort out my feelings for them.
I'd prefer it if I were followed by fellow self shippers; I'm not a fandom blog, most of my stuff is self indulgent and it's just a bit uncomfortable thinking of it treated as general fandom posting. I also bounce around from fandom to fandom a lot so I don't want to disappoint anyone who may follow me for specific character content ^^

Top Four

Not comfortable sharing;
More can be seen on my sheet under

Zapp Brannigan :: ⚑
Husband πŸ˜’ β™‘ 10.2022
Shipped with Sal Sbavatura

Gideon Graves :: πŸͺ¦
Boyfriend β™‘ 07.2023
Shipped with Sal Knight

Trenderhoof :: πŸ“Έ
FiancΓ© β™‘ 09.2023
Shipped with Shortcake

Bashful :: πŸ«₯
Boyfriend β™‘ 08.2014
Shipped with Sal Addams

Here is my tagging system! It's fairly straightforward ^^

πŸ’.talks : Any and all blabbering done by me :3
πŸ’.draws : My art tag! From ship art to self inserts, it'll all be here

(emoji).gush : Main F/O gushes! My special goobers get special tags πŸ’•
❀️.gush : Secondary/Tertiary gushes! Simply easier organization for F/Os I don't talk about as often-
πŸ’˜.crush : Crush talk- No one is allowed to look at me when I use this (No you can look I'm just embarrassed)
🀝.pla : Platonic gushes!
πŸ‘ͺ.fam : Familial F/O gushes!
✏️.spotlight : OC F/O gush tag! I have this just in case I feel brave enough to share them :]

πŸ‘‹.(username) : Reblogs from others!
πŸ’Œ.game : Ask Game tag!
πŸ“«.(username/anon) : Tag for any Asks from different users and anons!

πŸ’£.vent : Vent tag. I try to use this sparingly I promise-

Anything potentially triggering will be tagged as "(Trigger) TW", IE; Blood TW or Fish TW- If we're mutuals and you have any specific tags you'd prefer for me to use, please feel free to DM me!!